Our Team understands loss and our family’s busy schedules so we are working to provide programming that meets their needs on their own time. Reach out to us to learn more and get started!
Virtual Monthly Growth Group
Career Support for Surviving Spouses - Hiring Our Heroes
We have an excellent new opportunity for our Surviving Spouses to receive individual, direct, and ongoing career support for their employment needs. Even if you are only thinking of working, the team at Hiring Our Heroes truly understands especially for our very special community.
Spouses with any level of education are encouraged to reach out to our Admin@thesugarbearfoundation.org to learn more and start talking with a Career Connector.
If you are interested, please complete the Registry (scan and return back to Admin@thesugarbearfoundation.org) with either the DD1300 or a letter/document from the VA that shows you are receiving benefits. Please reach out with any questions as we are here to help.
Employment Opportunities - The Panther Group - Service to Success
We are honored to partner with the Pather Group and their Service to Success Program. We know our spouses come to us with a wide variety of backgrounds and needs, so we continue to partner with companies and organizations that can assist them with employment opportunities. If you are a Gold Star/Surviving Spouse who would like to explore a career (from entry-level and up and a college degree is not required) please contact our Admin@thesugarbearfoundation.org.
Career and Employment Survey for Program Participants
We know as students are gearing up to return to the classroom the school year can bring employment opportunities, especially for our spouses. A significant part of our mission is to assist our spouses with their employment needs and our Team is busy working on some important new opportunities but we want to make sure we are best serving you. As such we invite our Registered spouses to take our latest survey.
Career Mentoring Program
We are both honored and excited to offer our Surviving Spouses and college-age teens (who must be enrolled in college, trade school, or want to enter the military) career mentoring through Cummins Veteran Employment Resource Group. This program matches our Gold Star/Surviving Spouses and teens with a Cummins employee who can provide career mentoring through virtual and group forums. Spouses and teens interested must first register with the Sugar Bear Foundation and then complete the Mentoring Application. If you would like to become a Mentor, please fill our our Mentor Application. Please contact the Admin@thesugarbearfoundation.org for more information.
Professional Mentors Needed
We receive many requests from our spouses and teens for additional means of support so we try our best to assist with these needs. One area that consistently arises is providing our Gold Star sons and daughters (enrolled in higher institutions of learning) with professional mentoring and guidance. If you are able to assist and can share your career experience and time virtually with a young person entering the workforce, please fill out our Mentor Application or reach out to our Admin@thesugarbearfoundation.org to help answer any questions you may have. Thank You.
Surviving Spouses
We are honored to assist both Pre and Post 9/11 Spouses with our support programs. As such, we are continuing to work to put together programs that meet individual needs. To learn more, please contact our Admin@thesugarbearfoundation.org to see how we can assist you and your family with our career, education, financial, and wellness programs. Please fill out our Registry Application if you have not already do so. Thank You.
College Consulting for Gold Star Teens and Spouses
To Apply for our Virtual College Consulting, please fill out our Registry if you haven’t already done so, and the College Consulting Scholarship Application. Thank You
College Scholarship - The RF-Lambda Memorial Scholarship
The RF-Lambda Memorial Scholarship for the 24/25 school year is now closed.
We are excited to share our Memorial Scholarship in honor of our hero! To qualify you must be the son or daughter of a military service member who died while on active duty (the manner of death does not matter) and a senior in high school or attending college.
The loss of a parent can have a devastating impact on a family and we want to help surviving children create a path of success.
Please direct any questions to Admin@TheSugarBearFoundation.org.
To Apply, please send the following Required Documents to Admin@TheSugarBearFoundation.org (if not already on file):
Attach a copy of the DD1300 or other proof that you are receiving benefits due to your spouse’s or parent’s death from military service (PDF Files or legible photos are acceptable). You cannot move forward in this process without submitting your DD 1300 as well as signing the waiver.
Memorial Scholarship Application (Applications Closed at this time.)
NOTE: If Scholarship is awarded, funds will be paid directly to the institution for such items as tuition, housing, fees or academic tutoring needs that pertain to selected coursework.