We are having a very busy summer at the Sugar Bear Foundation and are incredibly grateful for our growing support as it means we can assist more families.
First, we had the opportunity to attend the Marine Corps Aviation Association’s Symposium. We had a great week seeing many friends and sharing our mission. We truly appreciate the support from MCAA and the grants they have provided us. As such we have been able to expand our Financial Assistance and Employment Program by bringing on to our team Gold Star wife and Survivor Advocate, Erica Brophy. Erica, a certified Financial Counselor, is working with our spouses who are seeking financial grants as well as providing individualized resource information to our families. She is a real asset to our team.
Additionally, we have partnered with Hiring Our Heroes to provide support to spouses who are even thinking about returning to work. Again, this program also provides our spouses with individualized support from HOH’s Career Connectors and they have many resources and opportunities to share.
Next, I had the opportunity to attend the Viasat Memorial Day event hosted by their Veteran’s Alliance. While at the event I shared Mario’s story and what led to the founding of the Sugar Bear Foundation. I was so grateful for this opportunity and for the funds they raised for us with their holiday BBQ. This amazing company continues to provide support to our programs and we appreciate all they are doing.
A big thank you to our friends from Burton Foods Dunkin Donuts Rosecrans store for their recent dedication to Sugar Bear. I know Sugar Bear would be so honored for this recognition but also for the opportunity to raise awareness of Surviving Families. We are very grateful for their support and the funds they have and will provide to our programs.
We also received some very sweet support from some special friends in Hawaii with their ice cream fundraiser. Please check out MALAMA KAUHALE and their Instagram page. Their treats look awesome and we hope to sample them in person soon.
And there is still more! We are currently working on two upcoming workshops. The first will take place in September with our friends from Bank of America and their Better Money Habits. This is a fantastic program that is providing support to military families. Fortunately, for us and BOA’s assistance, we have put together a virtual workshop that will focus on the needs of our spouses and what they face after losing their service members. Erica Brophy will also join us for this event and provide some specific and necessary resources for spouses. Please save the date for this virtual workshop- Wednesday, September 14th from 1-3 pm EST. Registration coming soon!
Finally, we will once again offer our College Planning Workshop in San Diego, Sunday, October 16th at the office of our amazing Educational Sponsor RF-LAMBDA. For families not in the San Diego area, you will have the opportunity to attend virtually. More information and registration coming soon. Make sure to check out our educational programs provided by RF-LAMBDA (Memorial Scholarship, Online Tutoring and Virtual College Consulting).
Although July is a difficult time, I feel so blessed for the opportunities I have received to share Sugar Bear’s life, our work, and to grow the Foundation. It is my life’s work now. I know the programs and support we are providing are needed. We hear it every day from the spouses we serve. Our goal is to provide solutions to our families so they can start their lives over while coping with the loss of their service members. I hope you will join us this Friday and take part in Sugar Bear’s Virtual Memorial Run. It really is the best way to celebrate Sugar Bear’s life as the funds raised go towards our programs and those of the Marine Corps Association’s programs for Marines.
Thank you for taking the time to read and support our work and the families who have given their all in service to our country. Thank you too to our amazing Team/Board. They are the best! Please reach out to our admin@thesugarbearfoundation.org for any ideas you may have to support our work or to get involved.
Thank you,
Jennifer Carazo
President/Gold Star wife