Transitioning to a New Life


I love serving as our Chairman and some days I cannot even believe I am here working in this capacity. When Mario was killed, I was teaching online at the university level for an institution that served the military community. I had no idea how I would maintain such a position while assuming the role of both mom and dad to our children. I was blessed to have a lot of support from my parents, wonderful friends, and an intense desire to do both and do them well. Our children will always be my focus even now as they are transitioning to young adults but adding programs and opportunities that will help enrich the lives of Gold Star families also brings me an incredible sense of fulfillment. Partly because I know it would be important to Sugar Bear, but also because I know it is needed.

Our team is working to help these families transition to a new life, although different then they envisioned, but one that can also bring them fulfillment and meaning! It gives me great joy to share we have some new opportunities for our families that align with our mission of providing educational, career, and financial support. I hope you will continue to read on about our scholarship recipients, upcoming events, and more… As always, I want to thank you for supporting our work and invite you to join our mission in any way possible.

Thank you,

Jennifer Carazo
Chairman and Gold Star wife